
Project for a game of investigative Lovecraftian horror incorporating elements of tabletop roleplaying and other tabletop games.

Work Continues

Work continues on Our Terrible Fate.  Here's an overview of what I've been working on lately. Sanity I've got an outline of a sanity system.  That might sound like a small thing, but with the way it will integrate into the...

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The Grand Grimoire – Homebound

Finally finished my custom bound copy of The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic! This isn't an exact match to Chaosium's printed cover, but let's call it heavily inspired by the official cover. This home bound copy includes a cover...

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Clues in Play – Part 1

I've already written how part of what I'm working on with this game is integrating some board game elements into the actual gameplay. Probably the most obvious example of how the table will look different from many games is...

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Why Fate?

This post has been a long time coming... but it's going to have to wait just a little while longer. First, I want to briefly re-look at why I'm not using Call of Cthulhu or Trail of Cthulhu to...

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Lessons in Fear – From the ALIEN RPG

One question that pops up from time to time is how to actually instill fear into horror games. There’s plenty of techniques for setting the atmosphere – especially for games like Call of Cthulhu (CoC) – but I recently...

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The Dark Texts – What You Need to Know

I've reached a point where I feel comfortable posting some of the actual game text I've written in the hopes of getting some useful feedback. I've got a fair bit written, so there should be enough to get some...

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Directions for Printing and Folding Investigator Passports

The Investigator Passports props are simple enough to print and fold, but here are some quick directions to help you make them easily, as well as some tips that may help you get the most out of them. Preparing and...

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Investigator Passports Available for Download

I recently posted photos of passports I created for my investigators - which then unfold to reveal their character sheet. The response I received was quite positive, and some people asked if they were available for purchase or via...

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Mythos Tokens of Fate

Following up on my post about finding an Elder sign to use for my Fate point tokens. I'm using the Matzke Elder sign for the player side of my Fate point tokens, so that leaves the Mythos/Keeper side to...

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Searching for the Elder Sign

Since I'm using Fate Core as the basis for this project, I'll obviously need something to track Fate points at the table. At the same time, I'm leveraging some board game mechanics and components, so I want to get...

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