Investigator Passports Available for Download

I recently posted photos of passports I created for my investigators – which then unfold to reveal their character sheet. The response I received was quite positive, and some people asked if they were available for purchase or via Kickstarter. These are actually very easy to make at home using the template I’ve created.

These passports are very simple and have no impact on gameplay – they’re just props to add a little immersion. Using the form-fillable PDF, you enter the details for the character, then scroll through the pages of the document. Each page shows the information you provided on the passport for a different country. Pick which one you want and print that page on your color printer. Fold the page into quarters, trim off the white edges, and you have your very own investigator passport. If you print it on the back of your character sheet, then simply unfold the passport to reveal the passport for play.

These are based on real-world passports from the 1920s and 1930s. A little artistic license was taken to make things simple, but otherwise I tried to make these look as authentic as possible. The template produces passports from the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, and India.

The PDF is quite large, nearly 48 MB, but that may be unavoidable without compromising the image quality and form fields. I’ve decided to make the template available through DriveThruRPG. (I’ve had a publisher account for years, but never used it for much.) The main reasons for this are to ensure people can access the file without relying on my web admin skills and to get updates if I post new versions in the future. As suggested to me after I posted the photos, the template is posted as a Pay What You Want product. I’m not looking to make money on these, but evidently there are those that would be willing to pay for them. A few extra dollars never hurts, and maybe it will enable me to offer more in the future.




Feedback Welcome

If you have any feedback on how to improve the passports or the PDF, please post it here:

Interested in New Features?

I’m also looking for some feedback on how you use your passports and what other features you might like. For details, check out Investigator Passports: Feature Survey

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