The Dark Texts – What You Need to Know

I’ve reached a point where I feel comfortable posting some of the actual game text I’ve written in the hopes of getting some useful feedback. I’ve got a fair bit written, so there should be enough to get some first impressions and thoughts on presentation. I’ve updated the draft content posted to this point to using a knowledge base system, which should make it easier to read through.

For the time being I am calling this work-in-progress game of mine Our Terrible Fate. That may change down the road, but for now it will do.

There’s a lot of background and detailed explanation elsewhere on the site, but here is where I am going to post some of the actual draft text.

I’m always appreciative of feedback – be it criticism, comment, or questions. You can post feedback on the base113 Games subreddit.

Update: A PDF of the first chapter is now available as well. While there’s not much art, the layout should be much easier for many to read. Just click the link through to the draft text, and you should see a link to the PDF version along with an example image of the layout.

Available excerpts of this dark text currently include what is essentially the first chapter of the book, which will serve two purposes:

  • Giving a new player this chapter should tell them everything they need to know to begin play.
  • This chapter should introduce new Keepers to the game, give them an idea of how the game is run, and how running it may be somewhat different from other games.

Links to the current draft content and our subreddit (to post feedback) are provided below:

Delve into the Dark Texts

base113 Games subreddit


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