Building from my collection of mythos-related games and book, as well as my interest in integrating props into tabletop games, I’ve gradually developed a fondness for displaying my collection. In some areas it’s modest, in other areas less so. I have dubbed this constantly evolving display my Shelf of Madness.
My collection includes a variety of cosmic horror fiction from Lovecraft, Chambers, and other classics. It includes game books from Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Fate of Cthulhu, and many others. A variety of mythos board and card games. Props from many of these games, and all manner of assorted artifacts. Many of these come from experience from the Mysterious Package Company and are of exceptional quality.
And I’ve recently taken to creating some props and display pieces of my own.
I’ve posted pictures of some of these items here and there, and I’ve gotten a few requests for a more detailed description of some items, where they are from, etc. So I figured I could start posting some of that here as well. Not always easy to find a post on social media later on, but if it’s here and someone asks about an object in my collection, there will be a central archive for what is there.
Once I’ve completed actually logging everything that is…